The Good Wife is an American legal drama on CBS on 22 Created in September 2009. The legal drama with Julianna Margulies as a woman to build on her husband's infidelity while trying to make a career out of his third season tonight in the United States.
Los Angeles Times say In an interview with the , Mr. Schweitzer wrote the new direction the show, as recent indicators that Margulies in a bra with black lace to appear, covered with the slogan: ". Do not be fooled by name "
"Alicia's is in a direction much more aggressive and we'll see," said the director of marketing. He then described the series as a high priority, saying they have evolved considerably since its first two years ago. "C 'is one of our top priorities for the fall, "said Schweitzer. "We treat them as a new show."
Show creator Michelle King has promised that the series does not recognize, and insisted that sex does not prevail before the show. "We are not inspiring us what time we're in or what looks like an advertisement and building the show around it,"
Los Angeles Times say In an interview with the , Mr. Schweitzer wrote the new direction the show, as recent indicators that Margulies in a bra with black lace to appear, covered with the slogan: ". Do not be fooled by name "
"Alicia's is in a direction much more aggressive and we'll see," said the director of marketing. He then described the series as a high priority, saying they have evolved considerably since its first two years ago. "C 'is one of our top priorities for the fall, "said Schweitzer. "We treat them as a new show."
Show creator Michelle King has promised that the series does not recognize, and insisted that sex does not prevail before the show. "We are not inspiring us what time we're in or what looks like an advertisement and building the show around it,"
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