Saturday, 24 September 2011

Diana Nyad's "Back In The Water"

Diana Nyad was born in 22 August , 1949 in New York City. Diana Nyad is an American, author journalist and long-distance swimmer noted for her world record endurance championships.

I am in the best shape of my life. Diana Nyad began his press conference in Spanish.

"Over the last two years I have 14 eight hours of swimming, from 9 am Ten-swim, swim four fifteen hours, five hours 25 swim, 6:18 swim, swim lessons and a 24 1 is 28 hour swim , swimming to prepare for this, "Diana told the media gathered at the Marina Hemingway, this morning.

Havana 6-clock time Diana is ready to begin a stage of swimming off the Cuban coast to their third attempt to Cuba for Florida. 103 miles of hot water, strong currents and sharks abundant.

"I'm ready. I look at my previous 28-hour swim swim like a very expensive training. With 62 years I have been in the best shape of my life am. Ironically, the magic moment arrived and the sea is calm now.
It will be quieter evening and the quiet lake will continue over the weekend until Monday.
It is still warm, between 86-88 degrees Fahrenheit (31 degrees Celsius), which is what I need. My body, my head and my organization we are ready. "
"But you do not have this type of swim alone.
The team Shark, the team of social media, the team are the power in terms of our friendship and adventure that we will be prepared."

Diana inspired by the Cuban media, with their personalities, evident in the intensity, the adrenaline flowing and very decent Spanish.
Their bilingual press conference touched his attitude towards life, their previous attempts and their dream Xtreme.

If I had a healthy body floating in my last ... asthma but I swam in. Three hours in the past, I had excruciating pain in my right shoulder. But this time I'm not worried over.
I will be they swim. But swimming was delivered 11 hours from asthma too. It sucked the life blood out of my muscles.

His strength of character and outlook of life filled the room with enthusiasm to the club Marina Hemingway. Journalists from around the world, China and New Zealand to America and Cuba came together to break through the Dynamo's mantra to listen to his support team.

"So what do you do with our precious life?" They describe an author. She answered the question himself. "I want to be on a high note. I want to make the most of my time here. "Then she led her team with great on platforms with an eye toward Florida." Where are we going? Cuba. What we do. Go in Florida. Onward! " They sang again and again.

Onward indeed.
Diana is to leave the north coast of Cuba in 6 clock time.
More reports from open water sources before the other side of Florida Street.


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